Websites, as with most marketing material, often get pushed to the bottom of the priority list for many businesses, especially small businesses or sole practitioners. The reasons we tell ourselves for not working on a new site or updating our existing one are numerous: too busy, too expensive, too… [ read on ]
How Can My Website Get Better Results?
The Internet is well past its infancy and many (if not most) professionals realize the benefits and, often, the necessity of having a website for their business or organization. A good percentage of these people have gotten a website built (by themselves or through a web designer) but are… [ read on ]
7 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Web Designer
A lot of people, when searching for a web designer, don’t know where to begin. They’re not sure what they’re looking for or what to ask in order to determine if there’s a fit between themselves and the designer. As with hiring any professional, it’s always helpful to get… [ read on ]
Determining Your Website’s “CQ” (Cheesiness Quotient)
CQ isn’t an official technical term. You won’t find it in any dictionary that I’m aware of. In fact, as far as I know, I just made the term up. Your website’s cheesiness quotient is, in essence, its ability to make people say, “Oh my Gawd” (in the bad… [ read on ]
The Three Pillars of a Successful Website
Often, when someone goes about creating a website for the first time, what he or she is thinking about is what it will look like. While design is definitely important, it is not the only thing you should consider. It is one of the three, what I term “pillars”… [ read on ]