Every once in a while, we “creative types” run into a creative block. There are plenty of ways to find inspiration, but today I’m going to talk about one of the easiest, most accessible ways – simply getting out into your environment.
I’m fortunate enough to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world – Victoria, BC – where there’s lots of scenery – natural and man-made – to get the web design juices flowing. I figured I’d share some photos of that scenery for all to enjoy.
For instance, a couple weeks ago, my wife and I went on a nice hike through Swan Lake and discovered the amazing greens of not only the trees, but the algae growing in the water.
Wow, right?
I’m always a sucker for a rainbow. Here’s one of many seen at Island View Beach, just outside of Victoria.
And, who can resist a good sunset photo op?
Or, if you’re up early enough, a beautiful sunrise?
As with any city, even seemingly mundane buildings can provide inspiration – for web design or other creative projects.
And, of course, being in Victoria, I have to include the parliament building, lit up at night over the holidays.
This is but a small sample of what Victoria holds for grabbing some inspiration in terms of colours, textures, and even layouts for website design. I hope you enjoyed it and find some inspiration of your own next time you’re out and about in your city!