Most of the websites we create for our clients nowadays are done in WordPress. Whether you’re using the actual blog capabilities or simply taking advantage of the overall content management system (CMS), it’s a great tool for adding and editing your online content. We’ve previously provided some WordPress tips… [ read on ]
Blog: News & Takeaways [6]
What Cats Can Teach Us About Web Design
Everybody loves cats. Okay, maybe not everybody. But everyone loves cat videos on YouTube – no argument there, right? But other than being cute and making us laugh, what can we learn from them? In particular, what can we learn from them in terms of website design? My wife… [ read on ]
8 Ways to Get Inspired
Whether it’s writer’s block or just a general creative block, we all get stuck at times. At the time we feel like we’ll never be inspired again. But, of course, that’s not true. Sometimes when I’m in problem-solving mode, I keep at the problem for “just one more minute”… [ read on ]
Meditating for Beginners
We recently moved to Victoria and, while we’re loving it in this beautiful Vancouver Island city, the move itself was stressful. So have been the renovations to our new house. That’s not surprising or unexpected, as anyone who’s moved would attest. Living in our digital world on a daily… [ read on ]
How to Write Killer Description Tags
Competition on the Web gets tougher and tougher every day. Everyone’s looking for an edge, which is why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important. There are many factors involved in getting your site to rank highly on a search engine results page (SERP). One factor which doesn’t directly… [ read on ]